guide you step by step a more extensive written tutorial will be posted soon.
In the mean time here is a quick written tutorial.
* Put device into DFU mode
* Run ssh.jar wait until it says successful
* Open winSCP
* Open a new connection
* Host name:
* Port: 2022
* Login: root
* Password: alpine
* Press the terminal button in winSCP and type:
* Go to /mnt1/var/Applications and right click and delete
* To activate your device and have it work with your mobile carrier, iTunes and Evasi0n copy the supplied files into the specified folders in the video.
* Reboot your device
* Your device will now be in recovery mode, Use Tiny Umbrella to kick it out of recovery as specified in the video.
I will have a more in-depth written tutorial posted soon. The video should be enough to get most of you by for now.Thank you all for your patience, now I have the other exploits to perfect. They said it could not be done, the certificates could not be manipulated WELL HERE IT IS.